Good. Me too.

That is why I created a New Earth School, a Rebel Spiritual Healing College, where you get to CERTIFY yourself! Your Healing Journey starts here, by Embodying Your True Self. By activating your Soul Purpose, unapologetically. (Kaikki ohjelmat ja kurssit ovat myös SUOMEKSI!)

Are you a spiritual rebel


Mainstream programs and certifications created by others are just not for you (no matter how great they are), because you are here to create your own program!

You are here to build your own legacy, become the Lightworker you know deep down you are.

You didn’t come here to play some old role, you came here to create your own frigging play! 

The way others are doing it, is not the way for you, because Lightworkers have a NATURAL urge and desire to create something new and fresh.

Sacred Rebels are here to create NEW ways of being, learning, living. Sacred Rebels are here to heal humanity, one person at a time, starting from you.

Heart Warrior Academy is a school for Spiritual Rebels, who have come to this Earth to birth something new. You maybe don’t exactly know what your Sacred Purpose is because it doesn’t EXIST yet!

Or maybe you have a hint about it, but it just feels all silly or way too hard… Anyhow, you know that you are meant for something BIG, you know you have a great purpose, but it might be still hidden, and you have no idea how to proceed with it. 

‘Who am I to do this’, you hear yourself saying. ‘I am not good enough for something this big!’ echoes in your mind.  AND THAT RIGHT THERE IS A SIGN that you are EXACTLY in the right place.

You are HUMBLE enough to be a Leader of Light,
you are humble enough to birth and activate your innate, Sacred Gifts.

You are humble enough to step into your leadership,
ready to help humanity with your Unique, Divine gifts.

You are an old soul,
with a mission that is written in your heart.


Something new
wants to be
through you.

Something new

wants to be
birthed through you.


In our Academy we don’t have tests. We don’t have stressful compulsory assignments with dead-line. We don’t have to achieve and perform. Instead, we LIVE. We BE and Breathe. Life is a journey, and so is this Academy. That is why we have a Sacred Book of Chapters, chapters that are filled with your own unique life experiences, the ups and downs. That is why journaling is our number one tool in the academy. We journal, a lot, since journaling creates a bridge between your hand and your heart – which is a straight gateway to your Soul. 

In order to ignite the divine blueprint of your sacred mission, you need to open up your Heart and connect with your inner wisdom. 

That is the Source you will get all the answers you are looking for. In the Academy we teach you how.

Heart Warrior Academy is a Healing School, it will open old wounds for you to heal them and love them. Igniting your Sacred Soul Purpose is a healing journey. The best part is that when you have the courage to heal your wounds, you will not only heal the wounds of your ancestors but future generations as well. We are all one. That is why YOUR participation is so much needed.

There will be no written schedule, no ready steps for you to take. We create a sacred space TOGETHER and channel what is meant to come through. Everything that you really need comes to you, through me, other teachers or through your Higher Self. This school is all about letting go of control and learning to TRUST.

However, these areas has a big role in the Academy:

  • Healing limiting beliefs
  • Shadow & Inner Child work
  • Authentic communication
  • Self-love & Healing
  • Angels & Ascended Masters
  • Chakra-working
  • Numerology & Signs
  • Being a channel
  • Creating a SoulBusiness
  • Self-management with Love 

…And MUCH more!  

Welcome to the family


VARAA TÄSTÄ ILMAINEN jutteluhetki niin selvitetään olisiko Heart Warrior Academy sopiva sinulle.


How is this Academy any different from all the other programs you took before? I get it. You have been burnt, many times perhaps, and it is hard to trust in these kinds of educational things anymore. I get you. <3 Anyhow, I am asking you to read forward fellow warrior, because this journey will most likely be different.

First of all, I don’t give any promises (I hate when some programs do that). I don’t know your Soul’s Plan, so I cannot guarantee anything. <3 Instead, what I will promise you is that you’ll receive my FULL PRESENCE, SUPPORT and LOVE. My intention is to EMPOWER you to find the answers by yourself. I am not here to save you. I am here to make you stronger, to mentor you to be a Heart Warrior. Consider me as your spiritual mother or sister, who supports you all the way.

In this Academy we work mainly on Soul-Level, meaning, we concentrate on the inside. The first and the most important thing what I teach you is how to connect with your Higher Self. It knows all there is for you to know, rest is bullshit. 

Connecting with you Sacred Soul Purpose requires LOTS of inner work, lots of tears, feeling, self-compassion and TRUST. It needs time and nurturing energy. Hurrying kills the magic, and so does dead-lines.

There won’t be any steps. There won’t be any rules (except journaling, haha). There won’t be any final tests. There is only you and your energy. You get to create your own certification. You get to birth your own title, your own legacy. Even maybe channel your own book.

Our intention is always in healing, the rest will fall in its place with the divine timing.

However, your life may look like this when you become a Heart Warrior Student:

You remember WHO you truly are,
…and WHY you are here. 

You claim your voice and power unapologetically.

You heal yourself and your ancestral lineages as well

You learn how to embody
your Higher Self

You will ignite
the Leader in you

You will awaken the COURAGEOUS,
AUTHENTIC Heart Warrior in you

You begin to TRUST in yourself,
and in Life

You become
a channel of LOVE

Now you may ask, HOW?

By connecting with Your Heart through journaling, through inner child work, through BEING, through kundalini yoga, through FEELING, through LOVE. We concentrate mostly on writing, feeling and doing some easy healing yoga exercises. Journaling and yoga have been the best medicine for myself, that is why I am so excited to teach these sacred tools forward.



Heal  Yourself,
Heal  Humanity

– a FREE Healing Hour

Once a month we gather on Zoom to heal us, to heal the world – together. <3

Deeply from my heart, I want to welcome you to join this beautiful free monthly offering, where you can do good, and receive good. Healing Hour is a sacred moment you can give to yourself, it’s both nurturing and empowering. The intention is always in healing, to ignite the healing processes within you, to awaken the healer in you. You are the only one who can heal you. I am here to help and give you some good tools.

I work as a channel and my job is to help you remember who you truly are. All healing begins with honesty, and with remembering the divinity inside us. Healing Hour is about embodying your true Highest Self, to bring humanity and divinity closer to each other.

HOW? This is the fun part! I don’t know how! It’ll be a surprise every time! I will set the intention for everyone’s highest good and surrender to the Higher Plan. But I guess there will be some channeling, some oracle card pulling, maybe some kundalini yoga exercises or meditations, maybe some healing consciousness journeys… The intention is in healing and the ’how’ part will be revealed to us. I guess that every Healing Hour will be a unique experience, an adventure!

WHY? Because kids and youngsters (..and adults) are not feeling well. Humanity is pretty sick right now. There is so much stress, sadness, anger, fear and worry in the air that it is unbelievable. Simply but, humanity needs healing! Humanity needs to remember their Light again. And YOU can help! Whenever you have the courage to do some inner work/shadow work you ARE healing your family lineages, AND your ancestral lineages as well. When YOU heal, humanity heals.

Healing Hour tapahtuu Zoomissa, kerran kuussa, aina ensimmäisenä LAUANTAINA klo 11:00 Suomen aikaa.  KUINKA OSALLISTUA? Liity uutiskirjelistalleni sivun alaosasta tai laita minulle sähköpostia 

There will be a recording, but if you are with us in the LIVE you have the opportunity to ask questions and share about your own healing journey. I have noticed that we often go through similar challenges, the collective energy field will guide us, and your question/sharing may help many others.

Lioness Codes – Activate Your Sacred Soul Purpose

– Remember Who You Really Are

This is for you who has a deep longing and inner knowing that you are here to do great things, but you don’t have it all figured out just yet. Since you were a child you have been feeling that there is something big meant for you, and you feel that you are an old soul. You have a deep, burning desire to know WHY you are here and you are ready to do whatever it takes to remember your true Soul Purpose. You maybe have some kind of hint about it, or you are dreaming about something, but it all seems way out of reach.

This intensive 12 week’s long Healing Light Container will help you to activate you Sacred Soul Mission, it will help you to Remember Who You Really Are. It will take you on a deep healing journey, because when you activate your Sacred Mission true healing will begin.

How? By embodying your Higher Self! When you are in connection with your Higher Self, you are connected with your Truth, with your Voice, with your Heart. Simply put, you are connected with your Soul Purpose! This program will energetically activate your Mission so that you can start to walk the path your Soul wants you to walk. We want you to remember your true origin, that you are one of us. We will remind you of the Teachings of the Rose.

Our intention is to:

* Activate your Sacred Voice

* Deepen your Trust

* Enhance your Intuition

* Open your Heart

* Awaken the Divine Feminine power

This will happen by weekly mentoring, channeling, journaling, activations, and healing. We will awaken the Lioness within you, you start to believe in yourself again. Time to stop trying, and start BEING like a Lioness.

We will gather every week with a SMALL group of beautiful individuals (max. 8 people) so that EVERYONE has the opportunity to ask and share. I really want to BE there for you, to witness your journey, to hear and SEE you.

There will be total of 12 weekly Zoom -sessions plus 1 PRIVATE  healing/mentoring session with Kirsi.

Book yourself a FREE Clarity Call to see if this resonates within your heart. The investment in this Sacred Journey is 888€ and there are payment plans available if needed. Next journey will begin on Thursday at 10:00 CET (Sweden time) 27th of February 2025.

Ps. There is a possibility for a Finnish speaking group as well, book a Clarity Call (above) to see which group is suitable for your needs.

Embody the Healer within You

– Become a Soul Mentor 

In this year-long training you will learn how to be a channel and you will find your own way to be a mentor/coach/therapist/healer and how to heal your own wounds and the wounds of your clients. This Light container is for you who is hearing this silent voice within you that you might be a healer, but you are having a hard time accepting it.

You see, healing happens in SO MANY WAYS. In my opinion mentoring is also healing art. If you are reading this, chances are high that you have been a healer of some kind in your previous lifetime, and/or you are a healer now. Whatever the case, I warmly welcome you to come and birth this NEW kind of mentor, healer, within you, to awaken YOUR own unique way of serving humanity.

After this programn you will know your OWN way how to be in service. You will find your unique way to share your Soul Medicine -whether it is through traditional coaching, mentoring, counselling or something brand new!

In this training you will learn how to open up your healing channel and how to channel it to your offerings, whatever they may be.

Don’t get too caught up with the wordings in the title, if you feel that this program somehow calls you, please check this short video HERE and feel your heart afterwards. Your heart will tell you whether this training is for you. <3

This training is starting in September 2025, and it will be a weekend based training, our study days will take place on Zoom one weekend in a month, Saturday and Sunday. So, there will be altogether 12 weekends of healing, emerging, birthing and embodying your Higher Self; you will learn how to be a channel of Love. You will learn how to speak from your heart, how to be present with your clients and how to channel information and healing energy in your work. You will learn YOUR own way, your own models and structures.

You will also learn how to:

* Conduct healing consciousness journeys

* Mentor you clients in an authentic way

* Receive information from your guides

* Tap into your inner wisdom, your intuition

* Surrender to Being

You will also receive two private healing-mentoring sessions with Kirsi. Your investment for this beautiful training is 2777€. If you want to know more detailed information about this training, like our timetable and more specific layout of the program structure, send us an email to

The best healers are still healing and the best teachers are still learning. <3

Inner Flow 

Healing Yoga Teacher Training in Online/Sweden

Become an Intuitive Kundalini Yoga Teacher and learn how this sacred yoga is healing you inside out, both physically and mentally. You will connect with your own healing voice and truly EMBODY your Higher Self.

To embark on this journey, you will first heal your own wounds, face them, with the help of sacred teachings of kundalini yoga tradition. Healing and learning yoga techniques goes all the time hand in hand.

This is not only yoga, you will also be learning how to channel healing energy, that is why there will be sacred teachings from Reiki tradition. You will also receive a private, channeled activation that will open up (or enhance) your healing abilities, this is somewhat like Reiki iniations levels I and II.

If you are already a healer and have been working with energy healing before, you will also have the possibility to become a Reiki Master Teacher, so that you get to teach healing modalities to your students.

After this training you have learnt how to teach intuitive kundalini yoga with a healing twist. You will learn how to:

* Open up a Sacred Space for healing/yoga

* Be a healing channel when you teach yoga

* Use breathing techniques with your clients

* Use simple yoga techniques in your everyday life and with your clients

* Conduct intuitive yoga sessions and meditative consciousness journeys

* Facilitate courses, retreats and/or group programs that include yoga practices

This training is beginning in April 2025, and it will be partly online and partly (one long-weekend) in Southern Sweden, near Malmö. The training will take place on Fridays and Saturdays. It will be a one-year-long program, with 11 online trainings and one in-person weekend. Your investment is 2222€.

If you wish to have more detailed information about the timetable and/or specific program structure, please contact us 

Now you may be also wondering if this school is only for entrepreneurs?

NO! You don’t have to be an entrepreneur, you don’t “have to be” anything! You are welcome to STUDY you and your PATH, however it looks like now or in the future. You are needed dear Soul, no matter whether you work in corporate world or are a Soulpreneur already. Maybe you are there in between. <3 If you are reading this, it is NOT coincidence.

And, of course there are payment plans if needed. We WILL make it work together, so that you can start (or continue) your Healing Journey while remembering your Sacred Soul Mission.

Unity Power


I have always been a lone wolf, I just LOVE to do everything on my own. BUT I am feeling that doing everything (always) on your own is the old paradigm.


We need new people around us, new perspectives, and new inspiration. Otherwise, we will always walk the same dusty hallways, with the same people, same books, same energy. 

Nothing new can be birth from Old. That is why I have invited amazing Guest Teachers to INSPIRE you.

You never know, maybe it is just that one word or sentence you need to hear in order for your creation to be ignited. You’ll find all the Guest Teachers and their information from the bottom of this page.

What is included

Gatherings with the group + Private sessions + Online Community + Online courses 


Healing Hour – Once a month, in Zoom FREE

Heal Yourself by Activating Your Soul Purpose – 8 weeks intenssive program, in Zoom

Awaken the Healer within You – Become a Soul Mentor  12 months training, in Zoom

Inner Flow Healing Yoga Teacher Training – 12 months, in Zoom plus one long-weekend in Sweden

As a student of Heart Warrior Academy you will receive FREE access to many of my online courses that will greatly support your journey. You become a student by attenting to monthly Healing Hour sessions.

There are always limited spots available in the trainings and programs, because I want to keep this space intimate. I have experienced many trainings with too many people, and I don’t like when it gets so crowded. I want to be PRESENT on your journey, to witness your growth and creations,  I actually want to get to know you. <3


Teachers of the Academy

Kirsi Englund

 Head Teacher & Mentor

Mother of two teens, Spiritual Seeker since 2004, Kundalini Yogini since 2014, Healer since 2016, Spiritual Mentor 2020, Rebel Earth Angel since Forever

More about her here

Johanna Sormunen


Johanna is a multidimensional being who specializes in blocks and patterns that affect us from childhood as well as parallel lives.


Elina Airola

Holistic brand witch & faith based business mentor.

Passioned  by embodying wealth codes and birthing heart based businesses alive for the sake of the new golden dawn.

Suvi Jot Harpreet Laukkanen

Suvi is a starseed healer, kundalini yoga techer, shaman and a messenger of spirit animals.


People too often search OUTSIDE, they too often practice doing things like OTHER people are doing them. This needs to STOP. It is time to search INSIDE. The mission of Heart Warrior Academy is to birth Heart-centered Leaders, who are genuine, authentic and courageous. They are willing to challenge the old systems and they are here to heal our planet through their divine purpose and sacred gifts. 

You came here to DO your own way. You came here to BE you, and to Create something new. You came here to break the old and build the new. You are rebel because you are meant to rebel against the OLD. We need you and your unique way of being, creating and living to birth a New Earth.

We need you and your fierce energy to change the world! Without sacred rebels like you, humanity won’t evolve or heal. 

When you face your shadows and begin your healing journey, you are not only activating your Soul Purpose, but healing your family lineages as well. We are healing humanity one person, one family at a time. We do this for the kids. And it all starts with you, are you ready to become a Heart Warrior?

If YES, take a minute to schedule a free CLARITY CALL with me, to explore whether this Healing School is something for you.

“Shadow work is the path of a heart warrior.”

-Carl Jung

Seuraa minua somessa

p. +358408322188